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Full Throttle

FT-600 33" Metal Wheels Z

FT-600 33 Metal Wheels Z
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Lieferzeit: ab Lager
Art.Nr.: FT-600 33" Metal Wheels Z
Hersteller: Full Throttle
Mehr Artikel von: Full Throttle
14,50 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

  • Details
  • Kunden-Tipp


FT-600 33" Metal Wheels Z
Packung mit 12 Axles in Plastiktüte
Six great facts about "Will's Wheels" from Full Throttle:
  • "Will's Wheels" are the best thing to happen to Z Scale! They're compatible with both Full Throttle and Micro-Trains trucks, so you can get all of the benefits of metal wheels with your existing roster. These wheels will deliver outstanding performance in every way. For starters, you'll be able to pull up to twice as many cars with the same locomotives! Their tracking is superior thanks to their greater weight, as well as their unique flange profile: the flanges are slightly thicker yet shallower, and there's a fillet between the wheel tread and the flange, which helps keep the truck centered on the track. In addition, there's less dirt build-up on metal wheels, and the sound is very "trainlike" as they traverse the track.
  • Warnhinweis
    Bei diesem Artikel handelt es sich um einen Modellbauartikel oder ein Sammlerobjekt. Dies ist kein Spielzeug und daher nicht für Kinder unter 18 Jahren geeignet.
    Verantwortlicher im Sinne der Produksicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) ist:
     Full Throttle

    Full Throttle, http://www.wdwfullthrottle.com, Uncle Will's "Full Throttle" 128 Burma Island Road Leesburg, FL 34788


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Diesen Artikel haben wir am 14.01.2024 in unseren Katalog aufgenommen.